Recent News: Hawaii AG Asks Supreme Court To Suspend Honolulu Prosecutor


As of right now, the former chief of police for the Honolulu Police department is facing multiple federal charges, his wife, a former senior Deputy prosecuting Attorney is facing more than 75 federal charges, several police officers have already pled guilty, several others are facing charges, numerous other individuals associated with the former police chief and senior prosecutor have pled guilty or facing charges, the Chief Prosecutor of Honolulu has received a target letter, as has the head of the Honolulu Corporation Counsel the agency that advices Honolulu city agencies, indicating both will be indicted. Additionally, the Chief Prosecutor continues to run his office, despite having received a target letter, an impeachment proceeding being initiated and now, the Hawaii Attorney General has requested the Hawaii Supreme Court suspend the law license of the Chief Prosecutor. (Hawaii AG Asks Supreme Court To Suspend Honolulu Prosecutor) The federal government has alleged that there are investigations regarding Honolulu police officers and that the Prosecutor’s office has a concurrent conflict and that cases have been manipulated including excessive speeding and DUI. I will be demanding information about how far the corruption goes in my DUI cases.